LEANGENE provides comprehensive solutions to Clinical Chemistry laboratories including hospitals, low to medium throughput size labs & healthcare centers. Our full range of chemistry analyzers, chemistry reagents & linearity testing are available to ensure reliable patient's test results.
Because your final answer MATTERS
High Quality and trustful performance Clinical Chemistry Analyzers ranges from Medium-High Throughput down to Semi-Automated Analyzers along with complete range of Chemistry Reagents and Accessories.
Vapor Pressure Osmometer to determine the osmolality in any type of sample.
Clinical Linearity Testing kits to assist clinical chemistry laboratories ensuring their entire calibration curve is linear and to verify the entire technical assay range, and not just the quality controlled range.
LEANGENE For Medical & Electronic Supplies
Makkah Al Mukarrama St. | Al Husseni Complex | Bld no. 147 | 5th Floor | Amman-Jordan |
T:+962-6-46-55401 | F:+962-6-46-55402
Designed & Developed by Mai Abu Taha - LEANGENE | Copyright © 2022 LEANGENE - All rights reserved.